BILH i2b2
Welcome to BILH i2b2

BILH i2b2 Introduction

  • Overview: BILH i2b2 is a website that enables investigators to search the clinical data at BILH for research purposes, such as obtaining preliminary patient counts for a study, hypothesis testing, or analyzing patient-level datasets. (This tool was previously known as Clinical Query 2, or CQ2, at BIDMC.)
  • Data: BILH i2b2 contains clinical data on more than 6 million patients across all BILH hospitals, including diagnoses, procedures, medications, laboratory test results, and more, for a total of over 1 billion data points. BILH i2b2 seamlessly integrates data from Epic with historical BIDMC data (data never loaded into Epic) going back to 1997.
  • Access: BILH i2b2 is available to all BILH investigators and is complementary to research tools in Epic. It has a simple user interface designed to enable investigators to get started with little or no training. Please email Griffin Weber at if you have difficulty accessing or using BILH i2b2.

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BILH i2b2 Tools

BILH i2b2 contains two tools.

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Clinical Query 2 (CQ2)

  • Overview: CQ2 is the legacy i2b2 system for BIDMC, which will continue to be supported until the transition to BILH i2b2 is complete. Use CQ2 if you need to access queries that were previously ran in CQ2.
  • Data: CQ2 contains data on 3 million patients from BIDMC from 1997 through May, 2024. No future data updates are planned.
  • Access: CQ2 is only available to investigators at BIDMC. With IRB approval, investigators can continue to download data through CQ2.
  • To Login: Login to Click the Applications tab. Under the Research section click the link to Clinical Query 2.


  • Overview: The Shared Health Research Information Network (SHRINE) is a real-time federated query tool that connects the i2b2 systems at different hospitals. Use SHRINE to gain access to larger or more diverse patient populations.
  • Data: The NIH/NCATS funded EnACT network uses SHRINE to connect more than 50 sites across the Unites States, with electronic health record data on more than 100 million individuals.
  • Access: EnACT/SHRINE is only available to faculty of rank Instructor or above at BIDMC. Please email Griffin Weber at to confirm faculty status and obtain a login link.

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